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Chapter 1 of Journey to the West: The Birth of the Stone Monkey on Flower Fruit Mountain, and His Apprenticeship under Patriarch Subodhi in Pursuit of the Art of Immortality.


Once upon a time, there was a very special mountain called Flower Fruit Mountain. At the top of this mountain, there was a magical stone. This stone stood tall on the peak, absorbing the essence of the sun and moon every day. After countless years, the stone finally gained life. It suddenly cracked open, and out jumped a stone monkey. This monkey was no ordinary creature; he had sharp eyes and a nimble body. As soon as he was born, he bowed to the heavens and the earth, looked around, and then began living in the mountain.


The stone monkey was exceptionally clever and quickly learned how to climb trees, jump around, and find food. He became good friends with the other monkeys in the mountain, and they lived happily together every day. One day, while playing near a mountain stream with the other monkeys, they discovered a beautiful waterfall. They all wondered what might be behind the waterfall, but no one dared to go in and see.


At this moment, the stone monkey stepped forward and said, "Let me give it a try!" With a leap, he jumped into the waterfall. Behind the waterfall, there wasn’t just water; there was a stone bridge, and beyond the bridge, a large cave. Inside the cave were stone beds, stone tables, and stone pots—it looked like a natural home. The stone monkey was overjoyed and quickly ran back to tell the other monkeys, "Come quickly! We’ve found a new home!"


So, all the other monkeys followed him into the cave. They unanimously decided that since the stone monkey was so brave and clever, he should be their king. From then on, they called him the 「Handsome Monkey King.」 The Handsome Monkey King and his monkey friends lived happily in this 「Water Curtain Cave,」 picking fruit in the mountains and playing every day, leading a carefree life.


However, even though the Handsome Monkey King was happy, he sometimes worried. One day, he suddenly thought, "Although we are living well now, what will happen when we grow old? Will we die like humans?" Thinking of this, the Handsome Monkey King decided to set off on a journey to find a way to avoid aging and death. He bid farewell to his monkey friends and embarked on an adventure.


The Handsome Monkey King first built a raft and paddled it across the sea, arriving in a new place. There, he continued searching for immortals and the secret of eternal life. He wanted to learn the skills of never aging or dying so he could return and protect his monkey friends.


Now, this stone monkey heard beautiful singing and enchanting words and knew he had found traces of an immortal. Eagerly, he followed the sound and indeed saw an elderly man with the bearing of an immortal. The old man was carrying firewood, leisurely walking through the mountains, looking nothing like an ordinary woodcutter.


The Handsome Monkey King thought to himself, "This old man must not be an ordinary person. He must be the immortal I’ve been searching for." So, he jumped forward and bowed, saying, "Immortal! Please accept me as your disciple and teach me the art of eternal life!"


The old man looked at the Handsome Monkey King, smiled, and said, "You are a stone monkey, with a bit of spirit, but I am not the master you seek. I am just a woodcutter."


The Handsome Monkey King was unwilling to give up and continued to follow the old man, persistently pleading with him. Seeing his sincerity, the old man also felt that this stone monkey was somewhat special and told him, "You should keep going. Cross a few more mountains and rivers, and you’ll find a cave belonging to the Patriarch Subodhi. He is the true immortal. Go and seek him as your master."


Hearing this news, the Handsome Monkey King was overjoyed, thanked the old man profusely, and then continued on his journey to find a master.


He crossed mountains and rivers, enduring countless hardships, until he finally reached the mountain. The mountain was magnificent, shrouded in mist, with birds chirping—truly an immortal’s abode. The Handsome Monkey King looked up from the foot of the mountain and saw a cave halfway up. Above the cave, there was a sign that read, "Spirit Platform, Cave of the Slanting Moon and Three Stars."


「This must be the immortal mountain of the Patriarch Subodhi!」 the Handsome Monkey King thought excitedly. He quickly climbed the mountain, reached the cave entrance, and said to the young immortal there, "Young immortal, please inform the Patriarch Subodhi that a stone monkey has come to seek apprenticeship."


Seeing his humility and politeness, the young immortal found him different from others and went to report to the Patriarch. The Patriarch Subodhi saw the Handsome Monkey King kneeling at the door, with eyes full of eagerness, and smiled, saying, "Where are you from, what is your name, and why have you come here to learn the Way?"


The Handsome Monkey King quickly replied, "I am a stone monkey from Flower Fruit Mountain in the Eastern Continent. I have been cultivating since childhood and have always longed for the Way of immortality. Hearing of your profound teachings, I have come to seek apprenticeship, humbly requesting you to accept me as a disciple and impart true knowledge."


The Patriarch Subodhi looked at him and nodded, saying, "You indeed have an indomitable spirit. Very well, I will accept you as my disciple. But since you have come here, you must have a name. Hmm... From now on, you will be called 'Sun Wukong.' 'Sun' means monkey, and 'Wukong' signifies understanding the void and perceiving the principles of the universe."


Hearing this, the Handsome Monkey King was overjoyed. From that day on, he was no longer just a stone monkey but had his own name—Sun Wukong.