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案例分享|N*thing is Possible展览,新加坡 / OMA + Potato Head




设计公司: OMA



材料:塑料 再生塑料 木材 竹木


分类:展览空间 文化建筑

由酒店品牌Potato Head发起、OMA / David Gianotten与Shinji Takagi共同策划的展览「N*thing is Possible」已在新加坡设计周期间开幕,展览场地是新加坡国家设计中心。这场为期三个月的展览探讨了废弃物的潜力,并通过跨学科合作解释了在酒店行业实现零浪费的全新可能性。

▼项目概览,Preview © Studio Periphery, courtesy of Potato Head and OMA

「N*thing is Possible」的核心理念是:零浪费与舒适愉悦的体验并不互斥,通过跨学科的创新和努力,那些处于生命周期「尽头」的材料仍然可以被转化为资源储备。可持续性并不存在单一化的全球标准,它是在现有的当地资源和知识共享的基础上,对创造和生活的新方式的不断探索。

▼展览探讨了废弃物的潜力和实现零浪费的全新可能,N*thing is Possible- A Journey To Zero Waste © Studio Periphery, courtesy of Potato Head and OMA


▼中庭的「废物景观」,The Waste Landscape located at the main atrium © Studio Periphery, courtesy of Potato Head and OMA

▼细节,Detailed view © Studio Periphery, courtesy of Potato Head and OMA

展览的核心作品是一个用废弃百叶窗制作的圆形装置。按时间线排列的展板讲述了Potato Head自2010年以来在创建具有环保意识的酒店业务方面的历程,尤其是从2017年开始在巴厘岛推行的领废物倡议。

▼俯瞰圆形装置,The circular installation © Image courtesy of Potato Head and OMA

▼展览细节,Exhibition detailed view
© Studio Periphery, courtesy of Potato Head and OMA

展览的另外一个部分称为「蓝图」(Blueprint),它展示了位于巴厘岛的Desa Potato Head度假村正在进行的废物管理计划。

▼楼梯间展览一角,Exhibition view – stair well © Studio Periphery, courtesy of Potato Head and OMA


▼装置和影像,Installation and video © Studio Periphery, courtesy of Potato Head and OMA

© Image courtesy of Potato Head and OMA

N*thing is Possible
By David Gianotten, Shinji Takagi, Potato Head
Status: Completed
Client: Potato Head
Location: National Design Centre, Singapore Site: 1.000 m2
Program: Exhibition, Research
Year: 2022
Curators: David Gianotten, Shinji Takagi, Potato Head
Team: Marina Bonet, Helena Gomes, Raffaele Guercia, Tijmen Klone, Alisa Kutsenko, Arthur Wong, Suet Ying Yuen
Andreu Carulla, Atelier Hoko, BYO Living, DesignSingapore Council, Eco Mantra, National University of Singapore, Kingsmen, Kengo Kuma & Associates, Kharma Studio