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微水泥侘寂风是一种源于自然的简约风格,近年来在国内外家居装修中备受追捧。它以简约、质朴、自然、舒适为特点, 通过运用微水泥、素色、原木等元素 ,营造出一种宁静、淡雅、温馨的氛围。

Micro cement style is a minimalist style originating from nature, which has been highly sought after in home decoration both domestically and internationally in recent years. It is characterized by simplicity, simplicity, naturalness, and comfort, creating a peaceful, elegant, and warm atmosphere through the use of elements such as micro cement, plain colors, and logs.

在侘寂风的家居中,墙壁、天花板和地板都采用了微水泥材质,呈现出 种素雅的灰色调。这种材质不仅 具有环保、耐水、耐污渍等优点 ,还能够营造出一种淡雅、简约的氛围。同时,微水泥材质的运用也 让家居空间显得更加宽敞、通透 ,给人一种宁静、舒适的感觉。

In a quiet home, the walls, ceiling, and floor are all made of micro cement material, presenting a simple and elegant gray tone. This material not only has the advantages of environmental protection, water resistance, stain resistance, etc., but also can create a simple and elegant atmosphere. At the same time, the use of micro cement materials also makes the home space appear more spacious and transparent, giving people a sense of tranquility and comfort.

除了微水泥材质, 原木元素 也是侘寂风中的重要组成部分。在客厅、餐厅和卧室等空间中,原木家具和木制装饰品都被广泛运用。这些原木材质不仅具有天然、环保的优点,还能够营造出一种温馨、自然的氛围。同时,原木材质的运用也让家居空间显得更加自然、舒适,给人一种回归自然的感觉。

In addition to micro cement materials, log elements are also an important component of the wind. In living room, dining room, and bedroom spaces, log furniture and wooden decorations are widely used. These log materials not only have the advantages of being natural and environmentally friendly, but also create a warm and natural atmosphere. At the same time, the use of log materials also makes the home space appear more natural and comfortable, giving people a feeling of returning to nature.


Whether it's walls, ceilings, or furniture, this style is mainly plain in color, without excessive decoration or patterns. This plain color not only makes the home space appear more simple and rustic, but also creates a peaceful and elegant atmosphere. At the same time, the use of plain colors also makes the home space appear more spacious and bright, giving people a comfortable feeling.