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The Dajinzhong Lakeside Park plot is located in the Baiyun District of Guangzhou, with Phase I of the Baiyun International Convention Center to the west, the newly constructed Baiyun International Convention Center Phase II to the north, and Baiyun Mountain and Dajinchong Reservoir to the east. The site was originally fragmented by an urban expressway and also requires the accommodation of an VIP vehicular circulation of Baiyun International Convention Center Phase II that cuts through the site, as well as a pedestrian connection to Phase I of the Baiyun International Convention Center. The design aims to create a green corridor that connects the city with the ecological mountain, achieving harmonious coexistence between the urban and natural environments.

▼项目鸟瞰,project Ariel view © 超越视觉

Green Corridor


▼场地挑战,site challenge ©华南理工大学建筑设计研究院

The design resolves this separation by expressway tunneling and creating an accessible public green park above.

▼改造前后,before and after the renovation ©华南理工大学建筑设计研究院

Low-impact Design


▼主要绿色轴线,park’s main green axis ©华南理工大学建筑设计研究院

Continuing the greenery of Baiyun Mountain, the design integrates Baiyun Mountain’s ecosystem into the city. The low-impact design of landscape nodes are located at the key interps of the park’s main green axis and the main pedestrian circulations of existing Baiyun International Convention Center Phase I.

▼周围环境,surroundings ©超越视觉

Entrance Space


The park entrance incorporates projection lighting design, creating an atmospheric prelude space for the outdoor performances at the amphitheater.

▼公园入口灯光设计,lighting design at the entrance ©超越视觉

Sunrise Plaza


The entrance’s Sunrise Plaza features an elliptical grass-tiered amphitheater, catering to the outdoor performance needs of Baiyun International Convention Center Phase II while also meeting the daily needs of the public.

▼椭圆形草阶剧场,elliptical grass-tiered amphitheater ©超越视觉


The park adjacent to the International Convention Center needs to have outdoor areas designed to accommodate both cultural performances and large gatherings, creating a flexible space for versatile use.

▼灵活使用的弹性空间,a flexible space for versatile use ©超越视觉

Moonlight Pavilion


Inspired by the reflected moonlight, this lightweight circular pavilion is nestled among native vegetation, serving as a shaded resting spot and vantage point to view the Baiyun International Convention Center Phase II.

▼轻巧的整体环形结构,lightweight circular pavilion ©超越视


The slender columns meandering through the pavilion are deliberately positioned to avoid obstructing the Baiyun International Convention Center Phase II., thereby opening up the view towards it.

▼轻巧的整体环形结构,lightweight circular pavilion ©超越视觉

Park Facilities


The viewing platform guide visitors to take in the vistas of Baiyun Mountain and Dajinzhong Reservoir, while the architecture utilizes an earth-covered structure to accommodate park parking and facilities.

▼公园设施,park facility ©超越视觉

Resolution of Pedestrian and Vehicular Circulation

新建国际会议中心二期有东侧VIP 车道在场地中的穿行需求,也有原国际会议中心一期人行流线和白云山山体公园的衔接要求。设计通过穿梭在公园绿化里的步行道,慢跑道及VIP 车道,解决了流线的联系。

The new Baiyun International Convention Center Phase II has a VIP vehicular road running through the site, which the design integrates with pedestrian paths, jogging trails, and the VIP road within the park greenery.

▼场地流线,pedestrian and vehicular circulation ©华南理工大学建筑设计研究院

Stormwater Management


The park is based on an urban road tunnel with overburden and load restrictions. This results in a landform where the park is lower than the surrounding terrain. The design utilizes this land form feature to create sunken rain gardens to collect stormwater.

▼景观设计,landscape design ©超越视觉

Application of Local flora

白云山的本土乔木和地被,公园采用80% 的在地乔木品种,将近90% 的乡土灌木品种,延续自然生境。选生物多样性上对当地的有益的本土植物。小叶榕、高山榕和假苹婆等乔木会为鸟类提供了充足的食物和栖息地。而紫荆和凤凰木等开花植物可以吸引昆虫,稳定该地的生物链。场地中布置的科普标识牌让游客深入了解本土动植物的独特特征、生态功能和故事。

Analyzing the native trees and groundcover species of Baiyun Mountain, the park incorporates 80% local tree species and nearly 90% native groundcover varieties, preserving the existing natural habitat. The carefully selected native plants are all local biodiversity benefits. Species such as Ficus microcarpa, Ficus alpina and False applesia , which grow abundant fruit, provide ample food and shelter for birds. Flowering plants such as Bauhinia and Phoenix dactylifera attract insects and reinforce the ecological chain of the site. Educational signage is strategically placed to provide visitors with engaging insights into the distinctive characteristics, ecological functions and compelling stories of the flora and fauna that thrive here.

▼本土植物的独特特征,the distinctive characteristics of local flora ©超越视觉