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classic kites use bamboo,rattan or some other strong,but flexible,wood for the spars;paper or light fabrics such as silk for the sails; and are flown on string or twine. People often make exquisite decorations on feng zheng. Feng zheng have become real works of art. They seem like beautiful paintings flying in the blue sky.

傳統的風箏用竹子、藤條或其他一些結實但有彈性的木材來做碎片紙,或用絲綢之類的輕織物來做帆;用繩子或飛行。人們經常在風箏身上做精美的裝飾。風箏已經成為真正的藝術品。它們就像美麗的畫在藍天中飛翔。( Hello China【你好中國】節選)