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為了保證 Speargrass House 能夠將鄉村生活的風格和基調融進住宅之中, Arent & Pyke 認為,藍色、藏紅花色和銀灰色的運用是關鍵。藍色與鄉村的天空相呼應;藏紅花色指的是給人溫暖的秋葉;銀灰色則是將住宅與巖石頂端和層疊的白雲聯系在一起的線索,由此繪制出一幅自然畫卷。銀灰色的大理石鋪設在走廊上,當陽光照射而入,便將人們的視線引向一個令人親近的空間。

Arent & Pyke believes that the use of blue, saffron and silver gray is key to ensuring that the Speargrass House brings the style and tone of country living into the house. Blue echoes the country sky; The saffron color refers to the warm autumn leaves; The silvery gray is the clue that connects the house to the rock tops and the layers of white clouds, creating a natural picture. Silver-gray marble is laid on the corridor, and when the sun shines in, it leads people's eyes to an intimate space.