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湖南路老房改造,上海 / 遊牧林工作室




The project is located on Hunan Road in the center of Shanghai. It is the renovation of an old penthouse apartment.

▼從玄關望向室內,interior view from entrance © 李聖高子

Spatial Planning


After removing the original non-load-bearing walls, several windows filled with greenery instantly came into view. There was no specific area division in the planning, and the east-west visual axis was retained. A fireplace was used as a partition between the dining room and the main living room in the north and south.

▼以壁爐作為餐廳和主客廳的隔斷,the fireplace used as a partition between the dining and living room © 李聖高子

Design concept

修舊如舊|Repair as before


The original blue bricks were removed and allowed to be preserved by the master in advance for laying bricks for the later fireplace. While covering them with clay, the texture of the bricks was also preserved. The patterns left by the kiln firing at that time can be seen vaguely on the sides of the green bricks. , going up the stairs, you can also touch the old brick walls, which gives this house a sense of time and space exchange. The wooden beams on the roof of the main hall also retain their original structural state, and have not been re-ceilinged. The high and wide The sense of depth enhances the simple and unadorned atmosphere from another dimension to the senses. For this reason, it is matched with dark mixed smoked wood, black brushed oak, and soft linen fabrics to achieve a harmonious symbiosis.

▼室內主大廳概覽,main living hall overview © 李聖高子

▼窗戶的綠意,The green in the window © 李聖高子

多維度的互動|Multi-dimensional interaction


The sense of boundaries in the city gives people their own constraints, but at home, regional interaction in multiple scenes should be interactive, and even everyone can participate. Public areas do not need to be blocked by walls, and large spaces can realize bar operation areas. The interaction with the kitchen, the interaction between the living room and the bar operation, the interaction between the living room and the dining room, the interaction between the living room and the study room, and the interaction between the public area on the second floor mezzanine and the public area on the first floor. The floor and stairs of the desk area at the end of the living room are unified. Wood connects the first and second floors in the form of a platform. This raised platform transitions the mood of the space and is another form of regional division.

▼吧台操作區,bar area © 李聖高子

▼從吧台望向臥室,view from kitchen bar towards the bedroom © 李聖高子

▼從臥室望向吧台,view from the bedroom bar towards the bar © 李聖高子

▼一瞥,a glimpse © 李聖高子

▼臥室,bedroom © 李聖高子

光在空間中的角色|The role of light in space


Several skylights are opened on the roof of the second floor, and the elongated light and shadow are like dancers in the space. While increasing the mezzanine space, it also gives the wedding dress of light. Although the window is in a busy city, in this old city of Puxi, the skylights are high. It’s not high, and you can only see the red tile roof and tall pine trees. The light coming in is naturally enough and full.

▼夾層空間,the mezzanine space © 李聖高子

Material use

好的居所一定能吸納人生活的痕跡,從而呈現出特定的豐富性,自然在這種情境下在材質的選擇上顯現滄桑古色 ,帶結巴的原木木地板,酸洗過的砂巖類石材,全屋的實木飾面選用的是蘋果木煙熏而成,透明的木蠟油毫不阻隔木材的天然感,包容在黏土質感的墻漆下,整個家氣質溫和,都源自自然的用色主張最終回歸於大地色系的沈穩。充分尊重材質肌理的墻面處理方式,帶來光影下的斑駁感,與磚的紋路相互承托使得質感進一步貼近自然。

A good residence must be able to absorb the traces of people’s life, thus showing a specific richness. In this situation, naturally, the vicissitudes of life will appear in the choice of materials, such as stuttering log floors, acid-washed sandstone stones, etc. The solid wood veneer of the house is made of smoked apple wood. The transparent wood wax oil does not block the natural feel of the wood. It is contained under the clay-textured wall paint. The whole home has a gentle temperament, which is derived from the natural color concept. Finally returns to the calmness of earth tones. The wall treatment method that fully respects the material texture brings a mottled feeling under light and shadow, and mutually supports the texture of the bricks, making the texture closer to nature.

▼自然的用色主張最終回歸於大地色系的沈穩,a gentle temperament that returns to the calmness of earth tones © 李聖高子

▼樓梯,staircase © 李聖高子

▼尊重材質肌理的墻面處理方式,wall treatment method fully respects the material texture © 李聖高子

▼書房一角,a corner in the study © 李聖高子


In the earth tones, some black items are interspersed in the space, adding a sense of layering to the color palette of the entire home with a calm and classic visual impression. Cotton and linen are also the preferred materials for natural residences. The transparent curtains are deliberately selected to bring light into the room with a more ancient folding method. The sofa and bedding use the skin-friendly feeling of cotton and linen to create a more appropriate and natural form of life. . Living here feels like returning to nature, or even more like being absorbed in nature.

▼黑色單品增加幾許層次感,some black items adding a sense of layering © 李聖高子

▼家具細節,items detail © 李聖高子

▼改造前平面,existed plan © 遊牧林工作室

▼改造後首層平面,1F plan after renovation © 遊牧林工作室

▼改造後二層平面,2F plan after renovation © 遊牧林工作室

▼原始剖面,original p © 遊牧林工作室
