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匠心自然 | Casa Sobrado


Casa Sobrado創始團隊

Casa Sobrado是一家來自巴西的設計機構,作為建築和室內設計領域的一家創新且富有遠見的公司脫穎而出。在每個空間都講述著獨特故事,Casa Sobrado 已成為卓越和創造力的典範。能夠擁抱多樣化的風格和需求,確保為每個專案提供量身客製的解決方案。

Casa Sobrado is a design agency from Brazil that stands out as an innovative and visionary firm in the field of architecture and interior design. With a unique story in each space, Casa Sobrado has become a model of excellence and creativity. The ability to embrace diverse styles and needs ensures a tailor-made solution for each project..




CASA MADEIRA位於巴西南部沙佩科,面積265平米,設計師將自然元素充分引入室內,以流暢的簡約線條為主,配以大型的落地窗和低調的大地色系,家具和配飾無論是風格選擇上還是工藝制作上,既註重品質又符合業主的身份定位,並突出色彩的細膩與溫馨。光與影的作用,構建了一份寧靜,而簡潔的光、形式和設計相交融,則營造出一種清新脫俗的氛圍感。

CASA MADEIRA is located in Chapeco, southern Brazil. The designer fully introduced natural elements into the interior, with smooth and simple lines as the main theme, large floor-to-ceiling windows and low-key earth tones. The furniture and accessories, whether in terms of style selection or craftsmanship, not only focus on quality and meet the identity of the owner, but also highlight the delicate and warm colors. The role of light and shadow creates a sense of tranquility, while the integration of simple light, form and design creates a fresh and refined atmosphere.


Soft furnishings are one of the team outstanding advantages. They create the temperament of the space through furniture, lamps and green plants. Simple and exquisite accessories can often highlight the taste of the owner.Create a warm atmosphere to the extreme.





This is a 350-square-meter seaside holiday home located in Itapema, Brazil, designed by an architect for a couple and their two young children. The elements of the ocean, beach, and nature are shaped as works of art in the house, and a whole wall of natural beach-shaped wall is built on the sofa background wall, with the purpose of making the interior space closer to nature.