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遠眺,塵世離我們遠去。 Looking afar, the dust of the world goes far away from us。

雲海茫茫,浩瀚宇宙滌蕩心靈。 The vast sea of clouds washes our soul vastly as the universe does。

登上山巔,放下擔憂,迎接自己。 Climbing up the top of mountain, put down worries and welcome ourselves。

身在山中,心隨明月,舒展右手,觸摸蒼穹。 Being in the mountain, the heart follows the bright moon; Stretching out the right hand, touching the sky。

登高並非目的,而是暫時遠離塵囂。 Climbing high is not the purpose, but temporarily staying away from the hustle and bustle。

林密不見人,但人隨處可見山。 The dense forest blocks the view of people, but the mountain can be seen everywhere with people。

朝霞映山紅,登山客迎接全新的一天。 The rosy clouds reflect on the mountain as climbers welcome a brand new day。

誰與歸山,萬古長相見。Who comes with me to the mountain, we will meet for a long time。

橫看峭壁厚,仰觀屹巖高。Viewing horizontally, the steep cliffs are thick; looking up, towering cliffs are high。

登山路上,我們成為自己。On the way climbing mountain, we become ourselves。

雲起雲落,山色未變,風來風去,心依舊。 Clouds rise and fall, mountain color is unchanged; wind comes and goes, while the heart remains the same。

攀登高山造就偉大心靈。 Great minds are shaped by climbing high mountains。

用雙腳丈量大地,在山的懷抱裏,我們都是自由的。 Measure the land with feet。 In the bosom of the mountain, we are all free。

水到高處流下低處,心到高處見廣闊。 Water flows downward to lower places from higher places。 Heart can see the vastness from a higher point。

在高處集中力量,方能攀上人生巔峰。Gather strength at high places so as to reach the peak of life。