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6月22日,一位叫斯坦斯菲爾德·史密斯的美國媒體編輯在異見之聲網絡媒體(Dissident Voice) 上釋出了一篇名為【在中國旅遊一月(A Month Traveling in China)】 的文章。

斯坦斯菲爾德·史密斯 和會說中文的妻子最近在中國旅行了一個月,去了9個不同的城市。中國給他們留下了深刻的印象。

My Chinese-speaking wife and I recently traveled to nine different cities and towns in China over the course of a month , leaving us a deep impression.

其中第一點便是, 親眼所見的中國,與他們 在美國國內媒體上看到的關於中國的報道相去甚遠

Of our most significant impressions of China, the first is the contrast between the stories the corporate media tell us about China, what they don’t want us to know, and the reality we see.

第二,斯坦斯菲爾德·史密斯稱 中國的基礎設施建設超過了美國。 美國前總統吉米·卡特曾說:「我們國家有多少英裏的高速鐵路?(零)。中國有大約1.8萬英裏(約合2.9萬公裏)的高速鐵路。」——這是2019年的數據,如今,這一 數碼已經增加到2.8萬英裏(約合4.5萬公裏),列車時速可達220英裏(約合354公裏)。


Two, China’s infrastructure surpasses anything in the US. Jimmy Carter said 「How many miles of high-speed railroad do we have in this country? [zero] China has around 18,000 miles (29,000 km) of high-speed rail lines.」 That was in 2019. Now it is 28,000 miles and trains can travel 220 miles per hour.

第三,在體驗了中國令人驚嘆的基礎設施後,斯坦斯菲爾德·史密斯 意識到, 美國在無盡的戰爭中花費了數萬億美元,讓民眾陷入貧困 。卡特曾說:「中國沒有在戰爭上浪費一分錢,這就是他們領先於我們的原因。」

Three, after experiencing China’s incredible infrastructure, you realize how the trillions of dollars spent on endless war have impoverished us. Carter said China has not wasted a single penny on war, and that’s why they’re ahead of us.

第四, 幹凈安全的城市。 斯坦斯菲爾德·史密斯稱 在中國,你不會看到無處不在的垃圾。每天都有大批環衛工人清掃街道、公園和其他公共場所。而在美國,這樣的服務一般只有在私有建築物、大學、醫院或者高級酒店裏才會有,在公共空間很少見。

圖源: 東方IC

Four, clean and safe cities. We don’t see the omnipresent litter we do here. Every day a veritable army of public workers clean the streets, sidewalks, subways, parks, and other public places. These are not simply litter free, but clean. Workers making sure of it. In the US we would expect this in private buildings, universities, hospitals, fancy hotels, but not in public spaces.

omnipresent/ˌɒmnɪˈpreznt/ : 無所不在

veritable/ˈvərədəb(ə)l/: 貨真價實的

第五, 提供給大眾一系列社會福利 斯坦斯菲爾德·史密斯在文中感嘆,生活在中國的 老年人,甚至包括外國人,通常在博物館、國家公園、地鐵和火車上都是享受半價 。公共服務工作者更是無處不在,隨時可以回答居民和遊客的任何問題。

Five, an array of social services and benefits for the people. Seniors, even me, generally get half-price, such as at museums, national parks, on subways and trains. Public service workers are everywhere, available to answer any questions you have.

第六, 很少看到流浪漢 。斯坦斯菲爾德·史密斯稱,自己 在中國9個不同的城市中只見到一名格拉斯哥流浪。相比之下,看似富裕的美國,卻有數以千計的無家可歸者,包括兒童、孕婦和老人。

Six, the complete absence of homeless people. We were in nine different cities and saw just one down-and-out person on the street asking for money. The US, in the midst of wealth, has hundreds of thousands of homeless, including children, pregnant women, and the elderly.

down-and-out/ˈdoun ən ˌout/: 一無所有的人

第七, 警察與民眾的關系性質不同。 斯坦斯菲爾德·史密斯在文中描述 美國警察時常全副武裝,像要投入戰鬥,而中國警察則更像提供服務的公職人員。史密斯還提到,有一次他們去參觀樂山大佛,在買票時發現外套丟了,裏面有錢包和護照。驚慌之下,他們去當地警察局報案。僅僅3小時後,警察就找回了他的外套和所有物品,並送到他們所在的地方。但在美國,幾乎不可能指望警察幫他找遺失的東西。

Seven, the qualitatively different nature of police relations with the people than here. The police don’t even look like US ones, armored as if for battle. The police, like the other public workers, are there to assist you. One day we took a train and then a bus to visit the Leshan Giant Buddha statue. When we were buying our entrance tickets, I found I had lost a little jacket from my backpack containing my wallet and our passports. Alarmed, we went to the local police station to report this. In just three hours since we reported it missing, the police had my jacket with everything and had driven to where we were to give it to us. In US, there is zero chance police would search them to locate my jacket.

斯坦斯菲爾德·史密斯總結說 ,中國城市中垃圾很少,幹凈又安全,與美國形成了鮮明對比。 中國政府創造了一個關心普通民眾的社會,而在美國,你會感覺政府對你的人生漠不關心,除非你有錢。

The overall feeling created in litter-free, clean, safe cities, is that in contrast to here, the Chinese government has created a society that cares about you. In the US, you feel government is indifferent to your concerns – unless you have money.


Remember, at the start of the revolution just 75 years ago, China’s illiteracy rate was 80%. Now it is the most technologically advanced country on the planet. Equally world historic are the revolutionary gains in human rights for the hundreds of millions of women, all in the space of one lifetime. Moreover, in a mere forty years, China raised 750 million out of poverty.

在文章的最後,斯坦斯菲爾德·史密斯直言, 中國如今是唯一在發展上可能超過美國的國家,美國政客將此視作一種威脅。 但是,美國針對中國的各種戰略一次又一次地失敗了。



China stands out today as the only country to ever surpass the US in development. The US rulers do not take this as an example to learn from, but as a mortal threat. But the various US strategies to disable China have failed one after another. As a result, today China presents a progressive and growing alternative force to the world power of the US empire.

越來越多像斯坦斯菲爾德·史密斯一樣的人,依據自己的體驗,發出 真切的聲音,他們透過最直接的方式了解真實的中國,用親身體驗沖破西方輿論的屏障和意識形態的隔閡。


實習生: 莊才華

來源:Dissident Voice 環球網