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Title: "Guardians of Little Hearts: Navigating Childhood Accidents with Care"


Click the blue link and follow us for unexpected insights that promise not to harm. In this special New Year edition, we delve into the realm of childhood accidents, a heightened concern during the festive Spring Festival holiday. As parents engage in social gatherings, the risk of overlooking child safety increases. Let's explore the importance of safety education for children and understand what steps parents can take in case of unexpected accidents. Join Dr. Cheng Jia, Associate Chief Physician in Pediatrics, and Dr. Zhong Yu, Associate Chief Physician in Pediatric Surgery, as they share valuable insights for parents.

Addressing Common Accidents:

Accidents like falls, bumps, bruises, and fractures can lead to bleeding or bone injuries. Knowing how to respond in these situations is crucial.

Stopping Bleeding:

Simple Fracture Immobilization:

For fractures, makeshift splints using boards, sticks, tree branches, umbrellas, or thick books can help immobilize the injured area. Secure the splint with bandages or belts to prevent movement and alleviate pain.

Animal Bites:


Electric Shocks:

Swallowing Foreign Objects:


For choking incidents, perform the Heimlich maneuver:


Childhood accidents can be unpredictable, but being equipped with basic first aid knowledge can make a significant difference. Drs. Cheng Jia and Zhong Yu emphasize the importance of parental vigilance and preparedness. As we embark on this journey of parenting, let's not only celebrate the joy of each moment but also ensure our little ones are surrounded by a safe and secure environment. Click, follow, and stay tuned for more insights on maternal and child health.

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