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陳半丁:融古成法 平淡天真


陳半丁 ,光緒壬午生於浙江山陰,家貧而誌堅,自幼即通詩書畫。拜吳昌碩為師,苦學不輟,四十後赴京,執事北京圖書館、北平藝專。

Chen Banding was born in the year of Renwu during the Guangxu era in Zhejiang Shanyin. Despite being born into poverty, he showed a steadfast spirit and excelled in poetry, calligraphy, and painting from a young age. He apprenticed under Wu Changshuo, diligently studying and honing his skills. At the age of forty, he moved to Beijing, where he worked at the Beijing Library and the National Art School of Beiping.


Chen was adept in various forms of art, excelling in floral, landscape, and figure painting, with a particular renown for his flower-and-bird paintings and landscapes. As a master of the "Yun Gu School," he spared no effort in studying ancient methods, combining them with his personal style. He integrated the techniques of the ancients with the natural world and his ideals, creating a unique artistic style that honored tradition while being distinctly his own.


Chen Banding's early flower-and-bird paintings were heavily influenced by Wu Changshuo and Ren Bonian. In the Wushen year of the Guangxu era, his work "Autumn Flowers and Fruits" clearly reflected Ren Bonian's style. His "Ink Peony Fan" from the Jiazi year adhered to Wu Changshuo's techniques, while the "Peony Painting" from the Yichou year was almost indistinguishable from Wu's work. Over time, Chen's style evolved independently. He studied Wu and Ren, tracing back to Qingteng, Baiyang, Bada, and the Yangzhou and Jinling schools, developing a unique artistic style through diligent practice and creation.


In the Bingshen year, his "Ink Grapes" displayed an unrestrained brushwork, with free-flowing ink, reflecting Xu Wei's wild and untamed spirit. The "Floral Album in the style of Xu Wei" from the Guiwei year featured simple yet meticulous shapes, blending the styles of Qingteng and Baiyang. His plum blossom works also drew from Jin Nong, Wang Shishen, Zhao Zhiqian, and Bada Shanren. Chen's floral paintings were meticulously composed, with robust and simple brushstrokes, vibrant and rich colors, and a composition that harmonized poetry, calligraphy, painting, and seal carving, making them appreciated by both scholars and the general public.


In landscape painting, Chen began with the "Four Wangs," primarily following Shitao. He integrated the ancient styles of the Song and Yuan dynasties, creating a style that was both lush and elegant, yet simple and free. His works such as "Bamboo Stream Conversations" from the Wuzi year and "Autumn Mountain Scene in the style of Guo Heyang" from the Jichou year displayed the grandeur of Song and Yuan landscapes, with expansive vistas, clear brushwork, and an ancient elegance in color.


Chen Banding embraced and assimilated diverse influences in his art, unrestricted by any single style, drawing widely from various traditions to create his own unique style. His floral paintings, primarily characterized by "Chen Baiyang combined with Wu Changshuo," displayed the robust calligraphy of Wu Changshuo and Zhao Zhiqian, as well as the elegance of Hua Xinluo and the looseness of Jin Dongxin and Wang Shishen. His landscape paintings, meanwhile, simplified Shitao's brushwork and ink techniques, incorporating ancient charm to form a style that was both free and elegantly ancient.


Chen was a direct disciple of Wu Changshuo and a close friend of Chen Shizeng and Jin Cheng, aligning himself with the Jinshi School and traditional art circles. He excelled in poetry, calligraphy, painting, and seal carving, mastering all four arts. His landscape paintings followed Shitao, exhibiting an ancient elegance, while his floral paintings drew extensively from various Ming and Qing masters, melding them into a unique artistic style. His calligraphy and seal carving followed Zhao Zhiqian and Wu Changshuo, with a style that was robust and ancient, attaining high artistic value.


Chen Banding was a versatile artist, excelling in poetry, calligraphy, painting, and seal carving. He painted landscapes, figures, flowers, and animals, with a particular focus on flowers. He extensively drew from the methods of Ming and Qing masters, melding them into a unique style. His landscapes followed Shitao, displaying an ancient and clear elegance, while his calligraphy and seal carving followed Zhao Zhiqian and Wu Changshuo, blending ancient methods with a robust and simple style, achieving the highest artistic standards.


Throughout his life, Chen Banding dedicated himself to the art of painting, assimilating the strengths of various schools and expressing the myriad flavors of life through his brush and ink, becoming a leading figure in Chinese freehand flower-and-bird painting. His artistic creations navigated tradition, blending northern and southern styles, transitioning from the mundane to the elegant, transforming clumsiness into gracefulness, evolving his style into one of refined elegance. His brushwork was robust, with lively spirit, clear and elegant, ancient yet grand, forming a style uniquely his own.


A close examination of his floral paintings reveals the influence of Wu Changshuo in his early works, capturing a sense of ancient and robust solemnity. In his later works, Chen gradually incorporated a more refined elegance, with a fresh and graceful style. While Wu Changshuo used the style of stone drum inscriptions in his paintings, giving them a rough and unrestrained aura, Chen infused his works with the scholarly elegance of calligraphy, presenting a harmonious and refined charm. His style was free yet robust, ancient and simple, naturally unpretentious, making this the greatest highlight of his paintings.


Chen Banding had a keen eye for discovering the extraordinary in the mundane, revealing the beauty in the details. Every stroke in his floral paintings contained a world, and every plant and tree conveyed spirit. His flower-and-bird paintings were lively and elegant, uniquely charming, pleasing to both refined and common tastes, filled with the spirit of the times, and exuding a sense of vibrant energy.


After settling in Beijing, Chen met many renowned artists and collectors, and extensively studied ancient masterpieces, broadening his artistic vision. His floral paintings particularly excelled in combining freehand and fine-line techniques, with lines and surfaces complementing each other, blending skill and simplicity, resulting in striking contrasts. He found beauty in the details of ordinary things, and his flower-and-bird paintings were lively and elegant, uniquely charming, pleasing to both refined and common tastes, filled with the spirit of the times.


Chen mastered all four styles of calligraphy, with his running script capturing the elegance of Mi Fu, and his seal carving following Wu Changshuo's blunt knife method, resulting in a style that was robust and grand. In the early 20th century, he was a central figure in the Beijing art scene, standing shoulder to shoulder with Qi Baishi. However, as the Haipai style influenced Beijing, many have since forgotten his achievements. His artistic value has been underestimated, due to a lack of research and insufficient publicity.


In the first month of the year Gengxu, Chen Banding passed away. Throughout his life, he pursued the art of painting, assimilating the strengths of various schools and expressing the myriad flavors of life through his brush and ink. He navigated tradition, blending northern and southern styles, transitioning from the mundane to the elegant, transforming clumsiness into gracefulness, evolving his style into one of refined elegance. His brushwork was robust, with lively spirit, clear and elegant, ancient yet grand, forming a style uniquely his own.