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I am not Chinese. But my impression is:


Considering that China is a country with a rich history and culture of 5000 years, it would be impolite for Chinese people to come here and tell them about the values of Western style freedom and democracy.


My impression is that they see some capital and media members, people like Trump, and others who believe that Western culture is "better" than Eastern culture, which is indeed naive. The reason is that if they understand the advantages of Chinese culture, they will not easily try to change it, which brings a voice imbalance to some Westerners and makes dialogue difficult. Because you must engage in meaningful conversations with someone with a certain degree of openness.


Some Westerners also naively believe that they can attack another country and impose Western style democracy on the people, and they will be grateful for it. This is a disaster in Iraq and Haiti. The neoconservatives are naive, lacking an understanding of the subtle differences and complexities of other cultures and people, and exhibiting a certain degree of moral hijacking style arrogance and paternalistic style.



I am a Chinese and live in Chinese Mainland two-thirds of the time. When I was a child, I never went abroad. I really believe that the West is superior to the East in all aspects, and the Chinese are still very naive.


Then when I traveled to India and Russia, I found that, well, it's not just Chinese people who are naive. Then I went to North America and realized, wow, Americans are also so naive. Finally, I visited Australia and Northern Europe, and I was shocked. Is Bai Zuo really hopeless?!


So, yes, sometimes, to some extent, we do think Westerners are naive. Let me share a story that I named "How China Audits a European Company":


My company acquired a Danish company in 2014, which produces high fidelity equipment. We believe that Danes are very disciplined and can manage their business well, so we didn't even send any management personnel there. But the numbers tell us that we were wrong.


As of 2018, the company's cash flow was 82 million dinars and profit was 150 million dinars. Subsequently, their CEO came to China and demanded an additional investment of 150 million RMB, otherwise they would inevitably go bankrupt in 2019 and 600 Danes would lose their jobs. My Chinese boss is very angry and has decided to send an audit team to conduct a comprehensive investigation into the huge losses, and then decide whether to invest more funds, and I am the head of the team.


Then the story began. When I applied for a Danish business visa, the purpose of my visit was to write "internal audit", and then the visa officer called me in confusion, and the following conversation occurred: "Why do you open a company in such a small town as Skanderberg?"


"We didn't open it, we just bought that company."


"So is this a Danish company?"


"Originally, but now we are investors."


"Okay, why audit?"


"Because we are very concerned about our funds and investments."


"Why don't you invite a local audit company to do it?"


"It's not necessary, we need first-hand information."


"Okay, I cannot determine the nature of your visit. I will forward your application to the Danish Immigration Office for evaluation, and you will receive feedback within 60 working days. During this period, your passport will be kept at the Danish Embassy!"


60 working days??? Okay, maybe it's too far from Beijing to Copenhagen to send the documents. Waiting day after day, it was in early March, and on the last day of April, I finally received a response from the immigration office. I was refused a visa because they believed I posed a threat to Danish public policy and domestic security.


I contacted my Danish colleagues and they told me that they have never received any verification requests from any Danish department, no phone calls, no emails, and no letters. So I have enough reason to believe that they are just holding onto my application and no one is asking about my travel situation, they just rejected it with an extremely absurd reason. Thank you to the Danish people for giving me an opportunity to threaten the internal security of a country!


Obviously, Danish officials are not fully aware of the situation, or they simply do not care about the work of these 600 Danes. This story showcases the ignorant, arrogant, and inefficient European people, as well as the shadows of many other Westerners.


So a long time ago, I no longer believed in Western systems as I used to.


By the way, another similar story is happening in China. In just one day, I received a product purchased online from Guangzhou to Beijing (about 2000 kilometers). The same thing took two weeks from Chicago to New York, but it was destroyed. I had a month of communication with the seller, but there was no result.



Usually not.


Compared to Chinese people, Westerners are generally considered more straightforward, polite, affluent, may have received higher education, and sensitive to personal privacy, which is the most basic impression that Chinese people have of Westerners.


But in some cases, it's different. When some Westerners try to tell Chinese people the true situation of China based on their limited knowledge, they may be a bit naive for some Chinese people.


Due to the fact that China's doors to Western countries are not completely open, apart from information obtained from domestic media, there are naturally not many Westerners who understand the true situation in China. Therefore, it inevitably carries biases.


We know what we have and what this country is doing. We have not been brainwashed, nor have we lacked the ability to think critically.


And history, if you know nothing about Chinese history and culture, then you know nothing about China. From over two thousand years of feudal history, Chinese people believe that unity, bureaucracy, and the doctrine of the mean have merits; Since 1840, the Chinese people have believed that they are not bullied by foreign countries and can only have autonomy. China has tried the Western definition of freedom, democracy, and universal values, which is not very useful. Therefore, the West used to teach Chinese people a lesson with guns and now criticizes them in public opinion, and in theory, it is simply untenable. Therefore, we may feel a bit naive or even childish.


Before judging the present, let's first understand the past. My advice to those who are confused is to read more books to understand how China is now.


Some other answers talk about Trump, the President of the United States. I think Trump's election was not because Americans were too naive, but because they were exhausted by professional politicians and decided to give him another chance, hoping for a good/different outcome.


Strange viewpoint: I think innocence is more suitable for children and a bit cute. When you grow up, you can't be naive, but you need to maintain a sense of dullness.


網友Joe Xu的回答

I'm Chinese. My answer is affirmative.


Many Westerners' decisions stem from their ignorance of history. Everyone's behavior is based on their experience. Similarly, history is a kind of experience, and every country's behavior is based on its history. Due to the lack of history among Westerners, some behaviors are unreasonable for Chinese people. Perhaps we can consider Westerners to be naive because they lack historical experience.


I gave an example to support my conclusion.


When the Cold War ended, a question arose on the desk of the President of the United States: how will we deal with Russia in the coming days? The Soviet Union disintegrated, and Russia was also forced to surrender, submitting a petition to the Western world.


For Chinese people, making this decision is not difficult. The United States should accept surrender. There are many conquest experiences in our history, and the United States should take a break and wait for the next opponent to appear.


Fortunately, the United States did not accept Russia, so Russia has no choice but to make friends with China. Otherwise, the current situation will be even more severe for China.


Many Westerners have high intelligence and intelligence, but this decision is based on experience and has nothing to do with intelligence.


Another example is Trump's trade war policy.


Why does the United States almost declare war on the world? This is completely unreasonable for the Chinese people. Don't tell me Trump is foolish, I don't think so. Trump's decisions are based on his experience, and he has made every business decision well in his life.


I don't think Westerners are not smart, but due to a lack of historical experience, they can sometimes be naive.


網友Qi wu zan的回答

They saw and were shocked by their ignorance, as the West believed that stealing and lying extensively from the world had a future.


When Chinese people visit the United States, they cannot believe that their infrastructure is so abandoned and dilapidated, but what is even more incredible is that Americans still believe that the United States is extraordinary, it is the leader of the free world, and when the American Dream is like a nightmare for Chinese people, they can have the American Dream.


They turned on the TV, read the news, and realized that the West only lies about China and the rest of the world, believing that China and the rest of the world still live on trees and eat like barbarians.


0.0001% of Western countries know that the overall growth scale of the G7 in the past decade has been smaller than that of China! Or in 2021 and 2022, the life expectancy of Chinese people exceeded that of the United States! Or simply put, China's middle class is twice the total population of the United States!


In the United States, almost no one knows that Chinese people have access to universal healthcare throughout China, regardless of wealth. No one knows that university education is completely free for anyone eligible to attend university. No one knows that the day when the United States dies from firearms is more than 10 years in China!



Yes, many Chinese people believe that Westerners are naive and foolish, manipulated by Western media to oppose China. The purpose of Western media is to shift domestic class conflicts and social issues.


Chinese people believe that the actual operation of Western media is a double standard, with false news that slanders China and does not respect human rights rampant. However, the actual number of people lifted out of poverty in China exceeds 400 million, ranking among the top in the world. Chinese people believe that it is foolish for the American people to not wear masks and not respect science; They believe that the so-called COVID-19 gathering is ignorant and absurd, and freedom without borders will only lead to destruction, despair and death.


China respects reasonable reporting, but opposes false information and double standards.
