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住宅设计 | 在波浪中舞动,有机的设计与立面的肌理创造出活力


Sense 100大楼在波浪中舞动,每层都不同。有机的设计与立面的肌理创造出活力、动态和令人难忘的时刻。

The Sense 100 Building dances through long waves, different on each floor. The organic design and the panels projected onto the façade create dynamism, movement and moments.

▼项目概览,overall of the project

▼街景,street views


▼曲线的几何形态与宽敞的阳台,curved geometry with spacious balconies

▼错落的阳台,scattered balconies

▼近景,closer views


There are 20 apartments, two fronts, with generous balconies, which are intended to be living areas. It’s the 「waves」 that create the balconies. And they relate to the light-filled living rooms.

▼阳台近景,closer view of the balconies

▼阳台上设有带圆形镂空的遮阳板,the balcony has a sunshade with circular cutouts

▼仰视,looking up to the balconies


▼阳台内部,on the balcony

▼宽敞的阳台与光影,spacious balcony with light and shadow



In each apartment we are greeted by a curve. It leads us to different areas. It ends in the living room, and here our gaze lands on the organicist balcony with its screen panels. These panels will provide emotion, protection from the sun and privacy.

▼入口玄关,entrance area


▼厨房近景,closer views of the kitchen

▼曲线交通流线,curved circulation


▼室内视角,interior view

▼客厅,living room




▼室内夜景,interior night views

▼外观夜景,night view of exterior

▼底层平面图,ground floor plan

