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Nina Maya Interiors 由澳大利亚设计师 Nina Maya Skrzynsk 创建于2006年,工作室擅长精致空间的量身定制,以专业的水准、严谨的构思、恰当的设计干预而为业界所熟知。

Nina Maya Interiors was founded in 2006 by Australian designer Nina Maya Skrzynsk. The studio specialises in the customisation of exquisite Spaces and is known to the industry for its professionalism, rigorous conception and appropriate design interventions.

Residence K


Residence K 是 Nina Maya 最喜欢的项目之一,简洁明亮、优雅精致,空间形态反映出业主的生活品味。室内以温暖的白色作为主色调,精心挑选的家具、艺术品摆件和灯具起到丰富层次和点缀的作用。独立书房是思考、创作和工作的私人场所,其独特的完整性展现了男主人的鲜明个性。

One of Nina Maya's favorite projects, Residence K is simple, bright and elegant, reflecting the owner's life style. Warm white is the main color in the interior, and carefully selected furniture, artwork and lamps play a rich and embellished role. The independent study is a private place for thinking, creation and work, and its unique integrity shows the distinct personality of the male owner.

Cove House


Cove House 演绎了海滨生活的精髓, Nina Maya 从热带旅游胜地中汲取灵感,重新构建这处光线柔和、色调和谐并与大海相连的私人住宅,使其具有平静之感而又充满活力。建筑立面使用了大量的玻璃,令远处的海洋成为室内的一部分。大面积的浅色调让人沉浸其中,绿植营造一种热带风情,而对自然元素的柔化也反映出了惬意且轻松的生活氛围。

Cove House embodies the essence of seaside living, and Nina Maya draws inspiration from tropical resorts to recreate this private home with soft light, harmonious colors and connection to the sea, giving it a sense of calm and vitality. The facade is heavily glazed, allowing the ocean to become part of the interior. The large areas of light color make people immersed, the green plants create a tropical atmosphere, and the softening of natural elements also reflects the comfortable and relaxed living atmosphere.

Ridegewood Residence


这座位于美国旧金山的住宅,四周由自然所环绕,成为家庭休闲和度假的僻静之所。为了使室内外交织一处,并增加光照和延伸视野, Nina Maya 采用了大面积的玻璃设计,令空间更为通透、舒展,在任何空间都能够欣赏到室外美丽的景色。而位于厨房上方则增设了一处天井,于此可见云、雨、天空,成为该住宅的一大设计亮点。

This home in San Francisco, USA, is surrounded by nature, making it a secluded place for family relaxation and vacation. In order to make indoor and outdoor interwoven, and increase the light and extend the view, Nina Maya uses a large area of glass design, so that the space is more transparent, stretch, and can enjoy the beautiful outdoor scenery in any space. The addition of a patio above the kitchen, where clouds, rain and sky can be seen, becomes a major design highlight of the house.