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【境外消息】Charles River与Vertex达成细胞疗法制造协议的里程碑

标签:#cell therapy

Charles River Laboratories与Vertex达成战略合作,成功研发出CASGEVY(exa-cel),并获得美国食品药品监督管理局批准,成为全球首款CRISPR疗法,专门用于治疗镰状细胞病。Memphisffacility成为首个获得欧洲药品管理局批准的商业化生产同种异体细胞治疗药物产品的北美CDMO。

Charles River Laboratories has reached a strategic partnership with Vertex, successfully developing CASGEVY (Excel) and obtaining approval from the US Food and Drug Administration, becoming the world's first CRISPR therapy specifically designed for the treatment of sickle cell disease. Memphisfacility became the first North American CDMO to obtain approval from the European Medicines Agency for the commercial production of allogeneic cell therapy drug products.

【境外消息】儿科AML NK细胞治疗试验获得三项资助

标签:#cell therapy

Todd A.Fehniger、Jeffrey J.Bednarski、Thomas Pfeiffer三位医学专家在圣路易斯的华盛顿大学医学院获得140万美元资助,用于开展新型细胞免疫疗法与干细胞移植结合的2期临床试验,该疗法适用于急性髓细胞白血病儿童患者。记忆样自然杀伤细胞将被重新编程,以更好地识别和消灭癌症细胞,减少干细胞移植后的复发。

Todd A. Fehniger, Jeffrey J. Bednarski, and Thomas Pfeiffer, three medical experts, received $1.4 million in funding from the University of Washington School of Medicine in St. Louis to conduct a phase 2 clinical trial of a novel cell immunotherapy combined with stem cell transplantation, which is suitable for pediatric patients with acute myeloid leukemia. Memory like natural killer cells will be reprogrammed to better identify and eliminate cancer cells, reducing recurrence after stem cell transplantation.


标签:#cell therapy

德克萨斯大学圣安东尼奥分校的干细胞核心实验室与非营利组织BioBridge Global的子公司GenCure签署合作协议,共同开发细胞治疗产品、服务和测试。GenCure将为UTSA提供起始材料,以促进成年干细胞的分离和重编程,产生诱导多能干细胞(iPSC)。UTSA将为GenCure的工艺开发和cGMP设施生产的材料提供测试服务。

The Stem Cell Core Laboratory at the University of Texas, San Antonio, has signed a cooperation agreement with GenCure, a subsidiary of the non-profit organization BioBridge Global, to jointly develop cell therapy products, services, and testing. GenCure will provide starting materials for UTSA to promote the isolation and reprogramming of adult stem cells, producing induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). UTSA will provide testing services for GenCure's process development and materials produced at cGMP facilities.


标签:#项目 #专利 #政策



标签:#信达生物 #项目 #趋势

12月21日,赛诺菲宣布终止了其CEACAM5 ADC新药Tusamitamab ravtansine的开发,因为该药物在三期临床试验中未能达到主要终点。该药物是一款针对非小细胞肺癌的疗法,但未能有效延长患者的生存期。此决定是基于独立数据监测委员会的建议。这对赛诺菲来说是一个重大打击,因为该药物是其在ADC领域的唯一研发项目。



标签:#cell therapy


New data released by Longeveron shows that their candidate cell therapy Lomecel-B significantly improved cognitive function and reduced brain capacity loss in mild Alzheimer's disease patients in phase 2a clinical trials. Compared with placebo, Lomecel-B showed significant improvements in cognitive testing, quality of life, brain capacity, and neuroinflammation. These results suggest that Lomecel-B may become an effective method for treating mild Alzheimer's disease.


标签:#肠道菌群 #方案



标签:#T细胞 #细胞治疗

斯坦福大学和日本顺天堂大学的研究人员在Cell Reports Medicine期刊上发表了一项研究,他们构建了一种名为A24&E-rejT的诱导多能干细胞衍生HLA-I类编辑的人乳头状瘤病毒特异性细胞毒性T淋巴细胞。这种细胞不会被受体CD8+T细胞排斥,并能躲避NK细胞的攻击。这种HLA-工程化HPV-rejTs为成功的现货型T细胞治疗提供了一种可持续和有前途的方法,以克服宫颈癌症。
