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Josh Qin

「Single evidence is invalid」: If a conclusion has only one piece of evidence to support it, then the conclusion is doubtful.


Ada Bush

There is also a very special point, which is the condition of cultural relics and the description of the text. It is difficult to explain to Westerners, but in the eyes of Chinese people, many cultural relics and texts of Western civilization have a strong counterfeit nature, because it is difficult to have such a large number of exquisite artifacts unearthed, and the records of the text are even accurate. In legend, it is difficult for the writings of philosophers to have as many and pass down smoothly in that era, This is a violation of scientific common sense.


Sgl Zf

Because there are numerous small Western countries in constant struggle, in order to confirm the legitimacy of their wars, they constantly forge evidence to obtain legitimacy. This paranoia has led to their minds that only look at the present and do not believe in history today. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict today is a very significant case.


Richard Stanfield

One fun thing is that Western scholars can use Chinese sources now to cross-reference their history. The famous Mithraidites of Pontus was said to be born in the year of a comet. Well, most scholars dismissed that as propaganda. But, thanks to Chinese sources, we know that there was a comet sighting within the range of years Mithraidites might have been born.

Regarding Homer, I don't know of any scholar since the 19th century who seriously regarding the stories as historic event. In fact, the guy who discovered Troy was widely mocked by the scholarly community for taking the stories seriously. A fascinating event, filled with tragic misuse of dynamite.



Hu Bo

Western relics, most of them, too new to believe its trues.

Not all, but many are counterfeit, including famous Venus, Rossetta Stone, quite nonsense…in my eyes.

Without seeing Chinese weathering relics like stone tablet, stone carving, paper, bronze ware…. it is shame to acknowledge western’s relics trueness.

One example, All Greek gold coins, with perfect and excellent sculpture of human head, even to distinct braid.

Super craftmanship.

But ,no coin could be with round edge?







Richard Leong

The original six civilizations that spontaneously emerged without outside influence were: Mesopotamia (5,000 BC), Nile River basin (3000 BC), Indus Valley (4,000 BC), North China Plain (4,000 BC), Meso America (1,000 BC) and Minoan (2,000 BC). Ancient Greece and Rome (500 BC), later northern European, were derivatives, not original indigenous civilizations.

最初不受外界影响而自发出现的六大文明分别是:美索不达米亚(公元前5000年)、尼罗河流域(公元前3000年)、印度河流域(公元前4000年)、华北平原(公元前4000年)、中美洲(公元前1000年)和米诺斯文明(公元前1000年)。公元前 2,000 年)。古希腊和罗马(公元前500年),后来的北欧,是衍生文明,而不是原始的本土文明。

Peter Kauffner

Homer lived in the eighth century BC. He doesn’t qualify as an ancient Greek? As for Chinese civilization, I’d start with the Erlitou culture, which began around 1900 BC.


Richard Leong

Ancient Greek civilisation was a derivative of the Minoan civilisation. Rice growing occurred between the Yellow River and Yangtze River as earliest as 8,000 BC. Chinese civilisation started in the North China Plain around 5,000 BC.

古希腊文明是米诺斯文明的衍生物。早在公元前 8000 年,黄河和长江之间就出现了水稻种植。中华文明始于公元前5000年左右的华北平原。

Richard Leong

China is the oldest continuous civilisation in the world. As a centralised state, China is older as a historic institution than the Catholic Church. It's the only civilisation that has risen, collapsed, risen again, at least six times. Chinese civilisation is not distinct but unique. European civilisation made the modern world. Chinese civilisation is remaking it.


Quan Fung

That's the reason why Westerners like to live on tomorrow's…a strong narrative based on nothing but especulation and propaganda make their day !?


Testing Maximum

Fascinating, and so much more rigorous than the rest of the world. Though truth be told, I think the Chinese method is too rigorous.

Some artefacts by definition will not have historical records and ignoring them implies not using other proven deductive techniques to link these forgotten artefacts to the larger story. It runs the risk of missing key influences and connections, for the sake of academic purity.

Further, always, no matter by whom or when, history is written by the victors. Some of the orphaned artefacts might just be foreigners or others who influenced China but didn’t get recorded deliberately.

We’ve seen this in Egypt where deliberate methods were used to eliminate ‘inconvenient’ historical events and figures. For instance, Akhenaten, who was probably the first king in history to embrace monotheism. After his death, his history was attempted to be erased by Egyptians priests who felt threatened. If we were to follow the Chinese methods his artefacts might have been forgotten or ignored, though he was an enormously influential pharaoh, and influenced a lot of monotheist philosophers in the Middle East region.





Wolfgang Zoellner

In Europe written documents have often been found to be fake news, mostly written by catholic monks, who for a long time had the writing monopoly. Therefor archaeological artifacts are much higher valued as facts than documents. The same is true for medieval history in Korea, where Buddhist monks and confucian servants had a fierce competition, which written truth would be true or fake news. Unfortunatly after the Mongol invasion not much archaelogical evidence has survived.


Tomaž Vargazon

I think the author's explanation is too polite to some Western archaeological results. Maybe I don’t want to offend Europeans here.

I am an archeology enthusiast, although I am also European.

But some of the artifacts found in Assyria, Greece and Egypt are just too fake, especially when compared to similar artifacts found in China. You can bet they're almost fake. They didn't even bother to do the work of wearing and fading.

The proportion of history written based on such things is too high.





Omair Abbas

Look at this, an artifact discovered by the Chinese in Shaanxi Province. He was buried in the earth for more than a thousand years.

When archaeologists dug it out, they discovered it was a huge stone tablet. He has both Chinese and Syriac questions.

The stele is very complete, and its title is "Stele of Nestorianism in China Popular in the Qin Dynasty".

Probably means "the stone tablet records the popularity of Roman Christianity in China"

The stone tablet records the spread of Christianity in China during the Tang Empire, especially exaggerating the popularity of Christianity in China. Even the emperor and nobles showed great respect for Christianity.






After this stone tablet was discovered, it was immediately considered a priceless treasure by the European Church. It proved that Christianity had been widely spread in China as early as 1,500 years ago.

However, in the historical records of the Tang Dynasty in China, there is no record about it at all, and there are very few records about Christianity. In other words, in the huge historical records of the Tang Dynasty in China, there is very little information about Christianity, and it is not as popular as described in the inscriptions.

After research by Chinese writing experts, it was finally discovered that the writing style and carving techniques of this stone tablet should be from the Ming Empire period. That was already the 17th century. At that time, many European missionaries came to the Ming Empire, and they had sufficient motivation to forge such stone tablets. This is the truth.

Think for a moment if this stele had been discovered in Europe. And there is no adequate historical literature base to study it. What will be the result?

It will definitely become a "milestone in history" like Hammurabi's Stone. Although it is a fake.




