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SAOTA新作 | 和諧的關系


SAOTA ,南非知名的建築事務所,專註於全球範圍內的豪宅和商業專案。作品以國際風格為基礎,同時詮釋南非式的審美標準和現代主義理念,研究場地精神對功能與形式的可適用性範疇,從而提供最優的設計解決方案以及實作設計價值的最大化。隨著SAOTA全球曝光度的不斷提高,目前成長為國際上備受關註的領先設計品牌之一。

SAOTA is a leading South African architectural practice specializing in luxury and commercial projects worldwide. The work is based on international style, interprets South African aesthetic standards and modernist concepts, and studies the applicability of site spirit to function and form, so as to provide optimal design solutions and maximize design value. With the continuous increase of SAOTA's global exposure, it is now growing into one of the leading design brands in the world.

近日, SAOTA 帶來了他們的最新作品—— Flanders House 。簡約而優雅的住宅坐落在比利時 Flanders 地區的一片廣闊林地上。 SAOTA 將這座現代建築打造成一個與眾不同的存在,並與周圍的自然環境建立了一種真實、和諧的關系,同時為居住者構建了一處寧靜、溫馨和外向的生活環境。

Recently, SAOTA presented their latest creation, Flanders House. Simple yet elegant residence is set in a vast woodland area in the Flanders region of Belgium. SAOTA has created a distinct presence in this modern building, creating a real and harmonious relationship with the surrounding natural environment, while creating a peaceful, welcoming and outgoing living environment for its occupants.


The master plan includes a main building on top of the basement parking lot and a pavilion that functions as a home office. These Spaces are connected by landscaped courtyards, a series of fish pond Settings and a central swimming pool. Externally, the juxtaposition of a solid cube and an interconnected glass structure is harmonized by a smooth canopy that wraps around three sides to form an outdoor terrace.


Rows of vertical columns have a screen like decorative effect. Reflecting the interior layout, the facade incorporates traditional, functional rooms that extend outwards to the terrace, while extending inwards to the atrium with skylights. This architectural method can create a close combination of indoor and outdoor living mode in the summer; In winter, it creates a comfortable, restrained space atmosphere.

住宅外立面采用了內斂的材料和色調,包括 Giallo D'Istria 大理石、砂巖地板、鑲嵌式 Alucobond 鋁板以及壁爐周圍的超大尺度的玻璃等。精確的建築細節、構造與有機的材料質感相互映襯,彰顯出極具個性的、深刻內涵的審美趣味。

The exterior of the house is clad in discreet materials and tones, including Giallo D'Istria marble, sandstone floors, inlaid Alucobond aluminum panels and oversized glazing around the fireplace. The precise architectural details, construction and organic material texture complement each other, revealing a very personal and profound aesthetic interest.