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24道风味丨解锁惊蛰限定 春日里的梭鱼汤

齐鲁网·闪电新闻3月5日讯 初春时节味正好,应季尝鲜正当时。春天是品尝梭鱼的最佳时节,经过一个冬天的休养生息,此时的梭鱼最为肥美可口。
Spring is the perfect time to taste fresh delicacies, and there's no better season to enjoy pike fish than in early spring. After a winter of rest, pike fish is at its peak in terms of flavor and tenderness.
First, carefully fillet the pike fish from both sides. Cut the fish meat, fish bones, and tofu into small chunks.
Heat a pan and stir-fry the fish bones briefly. Add water and simmer until the stock turns milky white.
Strain the fish stock.
Stir-fry the fish meat in another pot, then add the strained fish stock. Add the diced tofu when the fish soup comes to a full boil.
Season it with salt, MSG, chicken seasoning powder, and pepper.
Finally, sprinkle a little coriander and chopped green onions to enhance the flavor.
The pike fish is deliciously fresh, and the tofu, soaked in the flavorful fish soup becomes incredibly fragrant. Together, they complement each other perfectly, creating an irresistible taste of spring! Don't miss out on this springtime delight!
Wang Yining,Zhao Deke,Guo Huixian,Song Jijin,Kong Chuidi and Liu Yuliang for Shandian News.
闪电新闻记者 王一宁 赵德科 国慧贤 宋基金 孔垂頔 刘玉良 报道