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外網:2月中國至北歐 超過1萬美元 每40英尺貨櫃 #歐線#


News / Shippers face 'eye-watering' rates and rollovers as carriers 'cherry-pick' cargo

By Mike Wackett 12/01/2024

Shippers are scrambling to bring forward orders in a bid to mitigate the impact of the longer transit times from Asia to Europe as vessels are re-routed around the Cape of Good Hope.

However, equipment in Asia is in extremely short supply, due to the delayed backhaul voyages, and container release is being restricted to large-volume ‘VIP contracts’ or shippers prepared to pay a hefty premium.

And even then, there is still no absolute guarantee that containers delivered to the quay will be shipped before the Chinese New Year on 10 February, as carriers cherry-pick much-higher-paying spot cargo and roll over low-rated contracts.

Anecdotal reports to The Loadstar complain of carriers offering 「eye-watering rates」, in excess of $10,000 per 40ft, for space on China-North Europe sailings in February.

Nevertheless, Xeneta chief analyst Peter Sand suggests that in the current climate, and until the supply chain disruption is resolved, shippers should not feel comfortable if they are paying a relatively low freight rate.

「Shippers are being told agreements on long-term rates will not be honoured and are being pushed onto the spot market.

「At times like these, shippers should not want to be paying the lowest price, because ocean freight carriers will look at those contracts and deem them lower priority than those agreed on the spot market at higher rates,」 said Mr Sand.

Meanwhile, the container spot indices that reflect average short-term rates continue to surge.

This week’s WCI North Europe component jumped by a further 23%, to $4,406 per 40ft, representing a huge 164% since 21 December, while the spot from Asia to the Mediterranean climbed 25%, 166% higher.

Moreover, shortage of equipment and Panama Canal draught restrictions have also driven up transpacific rates, with Asia-US west coast spots gaining around a third in value since the end of December, to around $2,800 per 40ft. And average rates to the east coast have increased 36% since December, to approximately $4,200 per 40ft.

But if carriers get their way, these spot rates will look cheap in a few weeks’ time, with some transpacific carriers rolling out new FAK (freight all kinds) rates, effective from 15 January, of $5,000 per 40ft for the US west coast and $7,000 for east and Gulf coast ports.,

Elsewhere, on the transatlantic, if the spot indices can be believed, nothing much has changed, with for instance Xeneta’s XSI North Europe to the US east coast spot reading actually down 1.5% on the week, at $1,443 per 40ft.

Nevertheless, waiting in the wings for transatlantic shippers are a number of hefty rate restoration and peak season surcharges that will kick in in February, after the 30-day notice period required by US regulators expires.

Furthermore, in the coming weeks carriers will be diverting the maximum amount of empty boxes to backhaul Asia voyages, along with surplus vessel capacity, which will combine to also drive up transatlantic rates.


新聞 / 托運人面臨「令人瞠目結舌」的費率和展期,因為承運人「挑選」貨物

By 麥克·瓦克特 12/01/2024




向The Loadstar報道的軼事報道抱怨說,承運商在2月份為中國-北歐航線的艙位提供了「令人瞠目結舌的價格」,每40英尺超過10,000美元。

盡管如此,Xeneta首席分析師Peter Sand表示,在當前環境下,在供應鏈中斷得到解決之前,如果托運人支付相對較低的運費,他們應該不會感到舒服。





此外,裝置短缺和巴拿馬運河吃水限制也推高了跨太平洋運價,自12月底以來,亞洲-美國西海岸的現貨價格上漲了約三分之一,達到每40英尺約2,800美元。自 12 月以來,東海岸的平均費率上漲了 36%,達到每 40 英尺約 4,200 美元。



然而,在美國監管機構要求的 30 天通知期到期後,一些高額的費率恢復和旺季附加費將於 2 月開始,等待跨大西洋托運人的等待。
