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Sadhguru looks at the reason behind the peak melatonin secretions of the pineal gland during the last quarter of the night and how one can make use of it to bring stability and ease.


Sadhguru: Within the human system, because of the nature of planet's relationship with the sun and the moon, certain things are happening in the human system. What is considered as the last quarter of the night – we consider from sunset to sunrise as the night – the last quarter of the night, at that time there are physiological changes happening in the system. They've even found... even the waste material in your body, like your urine for example, at that time has qualities which it doesn't have at any time of the day. There's substantial research into this these days. So, the entire body is in a certain conducive atmosphere. There is a natural production of what is called as melatonin, which is a secretion of the pineal gland. So, the pineal gland is at the highest level of secretion in the last quarter of the night, so we want to make use of this.

Sadhguru(薩古魯): 在人體系統內,由於地球與太陽和月亮之間關系的性質,某些特定事物正在人體系統中發生,夜晚的最後四分之一所指的是什麽?我們將日落到日出的這段時間稱為夜晚,夜晚的最後四分之一,在這段時間,系統中會發生生理變化。他們甚至發現……連你體內的廢物,例如你的尿液,在這段時間也會具有一天中其他時間所沒有的特質。現今在這方面有大量的研究。所以,整個身體都處在一種有利的氛圍中。會自然產生褪黑素,它是松果體的分泌物。松果體在夜晚的最後四分之一會處於最高的分泌水平,所以我們想利用這一點。

So, anywhere between 3:30 to 6:00 or 5:30 or whatever time the sunrise happens is considered Brahma Muhurtam because your pineal gland is at its highest level of secretion – that means you can stabilize. In modern medicine it is seen as a mood stabilizer. Well, I've been talking about bringing yourself to ease. Bringing yourself to ease means that you are not a fluctuation, you are at ease. This is naturally happening at a certain time; at that time people want to sit up and do their spiritual processes so that they get the best benefit. So, that is labeled as Brahma Muhurtam, or the time of the creator. Or you can look at it this way: it is a time when you can create yourself, you can make yourself the way you want yourself to be. So, you become the Brahman in the morning, so that you will make yourself the way you want yourself to be.

因此,差不多在淩晨3:30到6:00或5:30或任何日出時刻之間的這段時間,被認為是Brahma Muhurtam,因為你的松果體處於最高的分泌水平,這意味著你可以穩定下來。在現代醫學中,它被視為一種情緒穩定劑。嗯,我一直在談論讓你自己放松下來,讓自己放松意味著你不是波動的,你很自在。這在特定的時間會自然發生;這時人們想要坐起來進行他們的靈性修行以獲得最大的益處。因此,這被稱為Brahma Muhurtam,或創造者的時間。或者你可以這樣看:這是一個你可以創造自己的時間,你可以讓自己成為你想要成為的樣子。所以,你在早上成為Brahman,這樣你就能讓自己成為你想要成為的樣子。