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Introducing a Fresh Narrative to a Lobby Cafe


In the heart of Shanghai’s bustling Jing’an district, Nodi, a brand born from the rich tapestry of Hong Kong’s coffee culture, unveils its latest creation. Nodi, deriving its name from the Latin word for 「knot,」 embodies the spirit of connection—between people, places, and the passionate ritual of coffee. This young, artisan coffee brand has carved a niche for itself by transforming the simple act of drinking coffee into a conduit for human interaction and creativity.

▼專案概覽,project overview ©Wen Studio

隨著它在大中華區的首次亮相,Nodi的首家店鋪坐落在高端的靜安嘉裏中心辦公樓內—這裏常有時尚編輯、銀行家和各界專業人士光顧。在Blue Bottle、%Arabica、Fuel和Starbucks Reserve等巨頭的包圍下,Nodi為咖啡體驗引入了一種全新的見解。

As it makes its debut in the greater China region with its inaugural shop nestled within the iconic Jing’an Kerry Centre—just steps away from Vogue China’s headquarter. Surrounded by giants like Blue Bottle, %Arabica, Fuel, and Starbucks Reserve, Nodi introduces a fresh narrative to the coffee experience.

▼位於辦公大堂,located in the lobby of the office building ©Wen Studio


Nodi’s new venue occupies a grand 12-meter high lobby space in the Kerry Centre’s office tower, and is made up of three meticulously designed zones: the coffee bar, indoor seating, and a recessed south-facing outdoor patio sheltered from the bustling street while leading into Kerry Centre’s mall entrance.

▼室內座位區,indoor seating ©Wen Studio

反映Nodi品牌價值觀——靈感賦予、多樣性、活力表達和成熟的規劃,Office AIO以一個亭式結構的方式,在開敞的大堂裏體現了有趣且充滿細節的呈現。

▼概念生成,concept generation ©Office AIO

Reflecting Nodi’s core values of inspiration, variety, vitality and thoughtful curation, Office AIO has devised a striking pavilion-like structure with a permeable ceiling to command presence in the expansive lobby.

▼咖啡吧台, the coffee bar ©Wen Studio

Ensuring Efficiency and Tribute to Brand Beliefs


The bar area is further divided into two ps, front and back of house. to ensure a noble and immaculate coffee-making area whilst achieving efficient operation. Between these two ps, the team was inspired by the classic Chinese screens and created a partition that provides a level of privacy while maintaining transparency. A grid like timber partition at a glance, up close, portrays a motif formed by the brand’s letter 「n」, adding richness and subtlety.Working alongside the motif partition, the backdrop within the back of house acts as a light box. Dimly lit in warm hues, animates glimpses of the busy silhouettes of baristas at work.

▼咖啡吧台前場, the coffee bar front ©Wen Studio

▼字母「n」所構成的圖案, motif formed by the brand’s letter 「n」 ©Wen Studio


Considering the daily capacity of a lobby coffee bar, the front bar is arranged in a tried and true L shape configuration, optimised to accommodate flows from multiple directions. The design however, challenges to be seen and experienced with its own flair. Each function within the bar is expressed as individual blocks, each with its own form and detailing, enriching the traditionally singular bar and portrays a sense of vitality and quirkiness, reinforcing the brand’s playful yet sophisticated ethos.

▼展現出活力和趣味的吧台造型, bar portrays a sense of vitality and quirkiness ©Wen Studio

Bespoke Pieces for an Integrated Identity

座位安排提供了多樣化的選擇,包括HAY品牌的座椅和由Office AIO為此專案客製的桌椅,可容納不同形式的聚集。透過紋理豐富的綠色大理石(Persian Green Marble)和深綠色木飾面與吧台區的材料組合產生互動,盡管地板的材料不容許更改,也達到了統一品牌空間感的目的。

Seating arrangements offer a diverse mix, including pieces from HAY and custom-designed tables and benches, accommodating groups of varying sizes. This area seamlessly connects with the bar through a shared palette of green marble and dark timber veneer, unifying the space despite the immutable floor material.

▼綠色大理石桌,green marble desk ©Office AIO

一個特別有創意的動作是商場入口處的超大尺寸結繩裝置,兼作室外座位,以俏皮的方式回應Nodi的品牌含義。由Office AIO精心打造,使用真實的繩子捕捉結的自然形態,然後按照符合人體工學的尺寸進行放大調整。攜手比利時品牌 Sixinch – 以其獨特彈力塗層技術的泡綿產品而知名 – 打造這一套室外座椅。這個結繩裝置不僅在視覺上引人註目,而且耐用兼多功能,完美封裝了Nodi的根源和其促進交流的承諾。

▼超大尺寸結繩裝置,the super-sized knotted rope installation ©Office AIO

A particularly inventive touch is the super-sized knotted rope installation at the mall’s entrance, doubling as outdoor seating. This playful nod to Nodi’s namesake was meticulously prototyped by Office AIO, using real ropes to capture the essence of a knot’s natural form before scaling it to ergonomic dimensions. In collaboration with the Belgian brand Sixinch , known for their foam coating technology, the knot was crafted to be not only visually striking but also durable and versatile, encapsulating Nodi’s roots and its commitment to fostering connections.

▼室外座位,outdoor seating ©Office AIO

▼室外座位細部,outdoor seating detail ©Office AIO


As Nodi plants its flag in Shanghai, it does so with the ambition of being more than just a coffee shop. It is a haven for inspiration, a crucible for creativity, and a new chapter in Nodi’s journey of connecting people through the universal language of coffee.

▼室外夜景,night view ©Office AIO

▼大理石細部,marble detail ©Office AIO

▼家具細部, furniture detail ©Wen Studio

▼字母「n」所構成的圖案細部, motif formed by the brand’s letter 「n」 ©Wen Studio

▼平面圖,plan ©Office AIO